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November 2015

Talking with David Burnett from Sochi

Kenneth Jarecke - My good friend David Burnett, how are things in Sochi

David Burnett - Well, I never would have thought I could say, here I am in Sochi, but here I am in Sochi.

KJ - How many Olympics is this for you?

DB - This is my tenth Olympics. My second Winter Games and even though it’s been a mild winter, I’m reminded of why I have a four to one edge of summer games over winter. Sooner or later, sloshing around in that gooey snow, you’re feet get cold. But, I’m having a great time working with a great bunch of folks.

In our business we have a way of talking about things that are fun that most other people wouldn’t have a clue of what we’re talking about. Working twenty hour days with all kinds of uncomfortable things, figuring out how to get from one place to another, but it’s fun. It’s what we do. You kind of learn how to redefine what is fun and I have to say it’s been a pretty good ten days so far. Please follow this link to read the rest of the interview.

Please follow this link to read the rest of the interview (plus photographs).

Talking with Vincent Laforet

The first time I met Vincent Laforet was at a spontaneous, late-night photographer’s dinner after a full day of shooting during the Salt Lake Olympics. Vincent entertained the table with stories and spot on impersonations of other photographers.

It was a wonderful evening.

We crossed paths four years later about half way up the stairs which run up the large ski hill in Torino. It was a good evening for making pictures, though there was nothing wonderful about that climb.

Laforet is the type of photographer that other photographers watch closely. He’s a ground breaker who seems to have already made a move when others don’t yet know there’s a move to make. He was kind enough to talk a bit about his latest project, a stunning piece he did for Nike.

Serious photographers rarely talk about equipment. Conversations usually focus on the why and not so much on the how, so it was a treat to have Vincent explain the thinking behind what he was working to accomplish during this shoot.

Please follow this link to read the rest of the interview.